Thursday, February 27, 2025

Scene Development

The first scene would be of Leo eating dinner at the table with his mom, his dad, and his sister. The table is set with plates and silverware and food and drinks. Then it cuts to his family being gone off the table in an instant, a door opens, and a man with his face covered in a black suit (Erebus), the demon, is standing behind the door. 

The demon then gets closer and closer, and we see Leo getting more scared, until he even starts to shake. The demon is now standing where the dad was before. Then, back at the dining table, the dad appears, sitting where he was before but with the demon behind him holding a knife to his neck. Leo yells "STOP," and in the blink of an eye, the family is back where they were sitting, flabbergasted at Leo and why he just yelled. He runs out of the house, embarrassed and scared for his life.

In the next scene, he gets in the car and slams the door. As he drives away, we see through the rearview mirror the demon sitting in the backseat. His hands shaking as he grabs his phone to dial a number, and he picks it up, and he says, "It's back." That scene is of him calling his therapist because the demon is haunting him once again.

This is where that scene would take place, so you can see through the demons pov in the backseat through the rearview mirror.

Thank you for reading. My next blog will be about obstacles we faced in this project. I hope you enjoyed!

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