For costuming, we have decided to do like a regular teenage look for the boy, just with more plain colors, to show how he is empty inside, but still a regular kid. Especially since he is only having dinner with his family, and they will also wear casual clothes. Something like this picture will be what he wears.
The most important and influential part of our costuming will be the villain/demon, and he will be wearing all black, and a black suit, with his face being covered either by light, or a mask because his name represents the god of darkness, and because black represents mystery/evil/grief in film color theory. To fulfill this, he will also not show his face, with either a mask, or backlight that wont let the viewer see his face, like in Psycho (1960)
If we have enough time in the film opening, we could also introduce the therapist. She will be wearing light clothes, and in a clean room. She will be very put together, since we want to create a realistic portrayal of a therapist.
Thank you guys for reading again, next time I will delve deeper into mise en scene, most likely about setting, and how we will do all the shots of the story.
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