Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Group Meetings!!!!

Group Meetings Today!!!

Today our class went into groups (not our project groups) and we talked about our ideas. We showed each other our blogs, our script ideas, and overall what we are doing to approach this project. My entire group was new to this kind of project, so we were all learning with each other while we spoke. First we started by showing each other our blogs, then we all talked about our project ideas, and then we gave each other advice and ideas to create our story better. This is a picture of all the digital notes I took during this class.

As you can see, at the end I wrote recommendations from other people to create a better film opening. Next class, I will be discussing with my teammates how we could incorporate all of our recommendations from others into a brainstorming plan.

Sorry for the short blog, but that is all for today. I hope you still enjoyed it. The next blog will be our project summary.

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