Sunday, March 9, 2025

Question 1 CCR research

The CCR #1 question is:

 “How does your product use or challenge conventions, and how does it represent social groups or issues?”

The question consists of two parts. The first part asks whether our film uses or challenges conventions, which, based on my research, refers to whether it goes towards or away from already established filmmaking expectations. I think our film, Erebus, follows conventional film structures. It also doesn’t stray from typical expectations in a movie/tv show, as it avoids elements like flashbacks or time loops, instead putting the story in chronological order.

The second part of the question focuses on how the film represents social groups or issues. While Erebus doesn’t specifically target a social group, it does however target the social issue of mental health. This is evident in the portrayal of the main character, Leo, whose depressive state is shown through his facial expressions and dark clothing. His vulnerability, leaves him more susceptible to torment from the demon. Up to the film’s opening, it remains ambiguous whether this torment is in his imagination—tied to his mental condition—or a real supernatural occurrence. The theme of mental health is further emphasized when Leo calls his therapist from his car, showing he has had problems in the past with this.

Sources used in research

Thanks for reading, next blog post will be about Question 2 CCR research.

Friday, March 7, 2025


 Honestly, editing was pretty uneventful, I just put most of the videos together using Premiere Pro,

 but I haven’t yet added any sounds, and we need ALOT of sounds, some of them are:

  • Footsteps for Sebas running
  • Breathing for Sebas (it wasn’t loud enough on the video, so we couldn’t hear it)
  • Car starting
  • Car sounds
  • Ambience
  • Music
  • Forks on plates
  • Stings to increase the scariness 
  • Some more I can’t name off the top of my head.
I will try to use either a sound database or make them using foley.

That’s mostly all we need to finish up our film opening, I will try to finish this by the end of the week and post the final blog about the film opening. And move to CCR questions

My next blog will be about starting the CCR questions, I hope you have enjoyed our process for creating our film opening!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

EDITING DAY 1 (title card)

 Today, I started editing, and I have seriously taken 4 hours to make this title card sequence, I had the idea of the text popping out under the car, but I didn’t take into account how long it would take me to learn and actually be able to make this. But i powered through, and now we have a final product. I used Adobe After Effects to create this sequence, however, I imported it into Premiere Pro, which is where I will be editing the rest of the video. I also added a little flicker effect, to further emphasize the theme and genre, and also to make the title less boring and feel a little more alive. 

I had a difficult time choosing the fonts, here are the ones that I had originally thought of.

In the end, I went with American Slasher, just because it really popped out to me as a horror film looking font, and i want the font to really interact with the story we have. So it’s really perfect to me. We all agreed that American slasher was the best one, so i used it in the title card, however, i used eurocine for the credits, as they are calm, and contrast with the horrorness (i dont know if this is a real word) of the title. 

For the credits i did all of these, as they are the ones that are mainly seen in films now.

Without further ado, this is it!

Overall, i am having a great time learning new things, and without further ado, this is our title card/ credits.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 FINALLY! We have finished filming, right on time too. We got all the shots we wanted, so id say that was a success!

So, we didn’t use any drone footage, since it was HORRIBLE quality,  it looked like we were filming from a microwave. We tried to tape a phone onto the drone, but then, the drone wasn’t strong enough to propel upwards. 

So, we did the next best thing. I climbed this tree right in front of Mias house, and i filmed the car from up there. 

We got the perfect shot from that spot, and I will be editing it to create our title card and credits.
We shot over 60 videos for the entire thing, so that was pretty good too.

But then it all went wrong.
I think i might be the unluckiest person ever!
FIRST, While filming, I tripped and accidentally dropped a vase at Mias house. And then we had to clean it all up.
THEN, when i was leaving at the end of the day, MY CAR DIED. So i was stranded until almost 11pm until my dad came back home and brought a little jump starter so i can start the car again.
Thankfully, we got everything done today, so we are good to start editing, which i will do tomorrow.

My next blog will be about starting the editing process, and i hope you enjoyed my misfortunes on this dreadful day. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Creating Costumes

  Since the main character is a teenage boy who will be played by our teammate Sebas, he found a hoodie and pants he could wear to embrace our character Leo. A hoodie with the hood up usually represents a person is sad or wants to be left alone, this is perfect for our character because he is dealing with some mental issues causing him depression.

The costuming for this character is important because he is the main character and he is the main part of our film opening. He also is the person that we want to use in our representation theory part of the project, as we want him to represent people with depression and other real issues, since those people are rarely represented in the mainstream media today.

As for the demon, another main part of the film opening, he will be dressed in all black, his face will be covered with a black face mask, and only be shown with back lighting. I will be playing this character and i have a black suit that I will be wearing and a black ski mask which I will flip backwards to cover my face, as well as black shoes. 

The costume will look something like this, with ominous lighting and sounds to really set the mood when it is on the screen.

Thanks for reading my blog today, I enjoyed the creation of these characters and i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing it. The next post will be about our First day of filming!!!!!! I am really excited to start filming, and I think our idea is really great.

Question 1 CCR research

The CCR #1 question is:  “How does your product use or challenge conventions, and how does it represent social groups or issues?” The questi...