As you all may know, my idea for Video 1 of the CCR part of this project will be a TikTok-like interview where a man walks up to me in my car, and proceeds to ask about questions 1-2 of the CCR. In between the more serious questions will be follow-ups and less serious questions. I tried to make the script sound as human as possible, to make a sincere-sounding conversation.
I will be filming this with my friend since kindergarten, Wyatt T; he is also taking this class, and we will both be helping each other out with making our CCR's. We will be using Wyatts Meta AI Ray-Bans to film the entire interview. He will be the one interviewing me. As for his project, well, you will have to see for yourself on his blog. We will begin filming and hopefully finish on this Thursday, March 20th.
However, for video 2, I was thinking to switch it up a little bit. I kind of wanted to do something where I am interviewing myself, sort of like a podcast, but the interviewer is wearing a wig and a mustache, to add kind of a comedic part to it. I was also thinking of doing an AI interview, where an AI person is interviewing me, but that just seemed kind of weird. For the interviewing myself thing, I was thinking of setting up my phone on a tripod in front of a large table in my house, and sitting on one side of it, while I ask questions, wearing a wig and mustache, to nobody on the other side, or maybe someone sits there kind of as a placeholder so it doesn't look weird, and then recording the same thing except I'm on the other side and I'm answering questions. Then i will edit out half of each video and put them both into one video on Premiere Pro, using my masterful editing skills (that was not sarcastic)
I know this might seem kind of like a weird concept, so I drew it out in MS Paint so you can kind of visualize it. (Dont judge my drawings please.)
I also wanted it to look as authentic as possible, so I will probably be adding stuff that you would usually see on a podcast: microphones; product placement and advertisements; audio content, including music and sound effects; as well as something in the background that can indicate which podcast we are on, like a banner or something on the wall.
That's all for this blog. I hope you enjoyed my somewhat chaotic brainstorm. My next post will be about a group meeting about our CCRs.